Thursday, 27 October 2011

Made Awards finalists from The Unstoppables!

We have had great success with this year's Made Awards, with four entries from the senior syndicate getting through to the Made Awards finals.  

Chloe from Room Two made a commercial to advertise bus safety. 

The Film Club made a story alled Billy Goats Gruff.

Te Waiari took this photo and digitally altered it!  Flash Te Waiari!

Room Four made a music video for the Achiever song.  
You can watch it here.

The Made Award Finals are on Thursday 10 November!  All the best to all the finalists, and WELL DONE!!!

Kitchen Chemistry happenings

In the Unstoppables, we are doing a lot of practical, hands on science experiments!  We have been learning about kitchen chemistry, the scientific method and how to record experiments using a list of instructions.  

Room Two recently made sherbet, and found out about how acids, bases and the mouth's saliva create carbon dioxide bubbles.  From the look on the kids faces some of the taste testing had interesting results!

Room Three found out that when you mix milk and vinegar, the casein in the milk seperates.  This is a plastic substance which they have formed into cubes.  These cubes are drying on their window sill and will be used to make dice!  Room Four did the same experiment and are making bouncy balls.

One of the drying dice

Room Four made butter yesterday.  You can read all about it on their blog page here.  It was delicious!


Room Five inflated balloons today with carbon dioxide.  They added baking soda to a bottle of vinegar.  This created a chemical reaction which made carbon dioxide.  This bubbled up and inflated the balloon.

Going up!


and UP!
Make sure you check out the blog next week to see what happens when we make oobleck, film canister rockets and ini

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

House Sports Jam Off!

Puriri during their performance

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On the last Thursday of Term Three, the four houses - Totara, Puriri, Matai and Kauri participated in a JAM off.  The children had been learning a Jump Jam dance once a week during lunch time sports.  

The victorious house was PURIRI.  A big thanks to Wendy McLeod for her great Jump Jam skills.  

Great Jump Jamming!

Matai's performance

Wendy, the Jump Jam pro!

The CHAMPIONS!!! Well done Puriri.