Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Speech competition

In Week Six we held the Senior Syndicate Speech Competition.  It was a fantastic evening of speaking flair!  

Our Year Six winner was Sirdaris, second was Cameron, and third was Tamara.  Our Year Five winner was Briarna, second place was Krystal-Anne and third place was Stephen.  

Everybody spoke incredibly well!  

Congratulations to everyone who had the confidence to take part!


  1. Congratulations to all finalists and all winners. There has been a big jump up in the quality of speeches and content compared to last year. Well done everyone and thank you for a great night of entertainment for your family and friends. :) Mr Larsen

  2. Lucas and Jackson10 November 2011 at 12:45

    The production was really cool.The people in the production were really confident.

  3. Well done for winning the ipad.
